Quality Custom Transformers for the Aerospace & Defense Industries
Since 1929 in the United States
805 658 7286


An internal visual and solder inspection is performed on every transformer and inductor as part of the assembly process. This inspection is in accordance with MIL-STD-981, NASA STD-8739.3, and our customers’ documented requirements. Customer and government pre-cap inspection can be accommodated at our facility.

Our dedicated real-time x-ray inspection department aids manufacturing and serves to ensure that the quality of our products meet the high standards expected by our customers. Serviced by advanced inspection equipment and trained inspectors, our RTX capability allows manufacturing to work closely with the inspectors to detect and correct problems early in the manufacturing process.

Real-time x-ray inspection is used in conjunction with final inspection to detect and prevent non-conformities in the final product.

With real-time x-ray we have the capability to detect FOD, cracks, voids, clearances, processing damage, and other characteristics related to the overall assembly of each part produced.

Using imaging software, we are able to provide x-ray photographs of every part which serves as a record of inspection. We are able to provide our customers with First Article Inspection Reports (FAIRs) that conform to the AS9102 industry standard. This formal standardized inspection process begins as soon as an order is placed and continues throughout assembly, giving our customers the added assurance that comes with utilizing an industry-recognized system.

Every aspect of the product from design to final inspection and test is evaluated and scrutinized in order to provide objective evidence that all requirements have been successfully achieved.